Food Preservation

Did you know the dial gauges on pressure canners should be tested every year to ensure that the dials are accurate? The Health & Well-Being Educator can test your canner for free!  Weighted gauges on canners do not need to be tested because they do not go out of calibration. Most canners can be tested, but the type of testing unit at the Extension Monroe County office is used with a limited selection of dial gauges, primarily Presto brand. If you want to get your canner lid tested, please call the office at 608-269-8722 and set up a time that you can drop off the lid. We will try to test it as soon as possible, but keep in mind that we will need to keep if for a few days.


UW-Extension Safe & Healthy: Preserving Food at Home

UW-Extension Learning Store on Food Preservation and Safety

National Center for Home Food Preservation

So Easy to Preserve- University of Georgia

UW-Madison: Food Safety & Health

Commercial Food Safety from Penn State

Be Food Safe

Fresh Preserving by Ball

The Bad Bug Book
This is a listing of foodborne pathogens and toxins. It is a useful resource in determining what bacteria, parasites, viruses, molds, and toxins might be found in foods.

Home Food Preservation Site – Pennsylvania State University
A very complete site with information about suppliers, kitchen unit converters, and includes the USDA canning guide.

Additional Resources

Purchasing and using a pH meter

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